Saturday, November 27, 2010

Module Ten


Wikis...heard lots about Wikis but never really understood or used them.  I now know that a Wiki is a website that allows creation and editing of a document or presentation.  Similar to Google docs, really.  A class  Wiki would be something that all students could contribute to but unfortunately not simultaneously.  Actually the Wikis in the Plain English You Tube video used an example of a camping list which is exactly what I had created in Module Three for Google Docs.....great minds think alike!!


I have heard this term used around the staff table but have had no idea of its use or nature.  My mum sometimes, endearingly, called me a 'ning nong' but I've learnt this has nothing to do with Nings!
 I don't think Nings are something I would use in my day to day work but thanks to Web 2.0 I now have a better understanding of this site sharing tool.

As a parent of school aged children and working in education, the uses for and awareness of ever changing technology is infinte.  As a Teachers' Aide, I cannot afford to be ignorant to this ever changing world of dot com and generation Z!!!.....I don't want the students knowing more that me (I know they do already) and I can't let my girls THINK they know more than I.

One of my greatest supporters, and I have a few, is my 11year old daughter who is very proud and chuffed that her mum knows about and can discuss with her, wikis, glogster, and scootle!  Also weebly, xtranormal, google.sketchup  --  wow, I'm smart!

Thanks Web 2.0!!!

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