Saturday, November 27, 2010

Module Nine

So.....I've scooted on over to Scootle - a one-stop-shop for curriculum developed by The Le@rning Federation.  My initial reaction was "out of my reach"!

I can see how Scootle could assist teachers in viewing or downloading of resouces to save as favourites to share colleagues and students, but as a Teachers' Aide, some guidance and education would be in order for me to use this site.

Second Life......who needs a second one, my first one keeps me busy enough.  Thought this a little weird....need time to get my head around this one, but I can understand how students might use this for research, experimenting with and experiencing certain situations, even in times gone by.  I would not think it appropriate or necessary for use by primary age students. facebook!  Have been a user for a while now and find it a great way to keep up to date with friends and share my busy life with those whom I know are interested because they are my friends.  As the Mum mentioned on the Teachers TV video, monitoring is a must for teenagers and as for children using it....definitely don't support this.  They should be 13 yrs, I think maybe even 15yrs would be better.This is a great medium for socialising in addition to the usual ways humans socialise ie sport, work, via telephone, email. 

Twitter.....have never used this and don't think its for me!  If I wanted you to know I was having coffee, I ask you to join me, via a phone call, prearranged on facebook or even email.  I guess I am happy with facebook.  Don't have a need to tweet, but thanks anyway!

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