Saturday, November 27, 2010


Slow and Steady wins the Race!!!

I have had my up's and down's on the journey of Web 2.0 but now I can confidently and proudly say "I'M DONE!"

As part of the Teachers' Support Staff at CTK, my understanding of the iLe@rn model is that students need to be introduced to and taught a variety of skills before they can responsibly us the Web 2.0 technologies.  Some of these technologies, whilst being great tools for teachers to use in the classroom, come with the added responsibility of ensuring privacy is paramount and that the primary aged students they are teaching, are taught the safest ways to use these tools for their education.

Only recently was I introduced to Blooms Digital Taxonomy through the Certificate III School Support Services Course I am completing.  Blooms believed there was a need for higher order thinking skills to be developed through the school curriculum.  By incorporating the Web 2.0 technology into the 6 levels structured for developing learning activities, I can see that the benefits are endless for both educators and students.  Tools such as Second Life could be adapted for Level 6, as students are required to make judgements and choices.  Mind Mapping perhaps could be used at Level 4 when analysing and identifying, and Flickr, used at Level 5 when students are required to produce unique products and designs.

Whilst travelling through the modules of Web 2.0, I have commented on
link to blog comment

Completing this course is a major achievement for a part-time Teachers' Aide, with limited web application experience, but I now feel secure with my knowledge and look forward to being depended upon, by class teachers, to assist them with my new found knowledge.

During the Web 2.0 journey I followed

Thanks for the opportunity to complete Web 2.0.  It wasn't easy, but achievable.

I'd like to thank two particular staff members at CTK for their support, patience, time and humour.  This traveller would not have reached her destination today without their assistance.  Much appreciated, Louise and Anna.

Module Ten


Wikis...heard lots about Wikis but never really understood or used them.  I now know that a Wiki is a website that allows creation and editing of a document or presentation.  Similar to Google docs, really.  A class  Wiki would be something that all students could contribute to but unfortunately not simultaneously.  Actually the Wikis in the Plain English You Tube video used an example of a camping list which is exactly what I had created in Module Three for Google Docs.....great minds think alike!!


I have heard this term used around the staff table but have had no idea of its use or nature.  My mum sometimes, endearingly, called me a 'ning nong' but I've learnt this has nothing to do with Nings!
 I don't think Nings are something I would use in my day to day work but thanks to Web 2.0 I now have a better understanding of this site sharing tool.

As a parent of school aged children and working in education, the uses for and awareness of ever changing technology is infinte.  As a Teachers' Aide, I cannot afford to be ignorant to this ever changing world of dot com and generation Z!!!.....I don't want the students knowing more that me (I know they do already) and I can't let my girls THINK they know more than I.

One of my greatest supporters, and I have a few, is my 11year old daughter who is very proud and chuffed that her mum knows about and can discuss with her, wikis, glogster, and scootle!  Also weebly, xtranormal, google.sketchup  --  wow, I'm smart!

Thanks Web 2.0!!!

Module Nine

So.....I've scooted on over to Scootle - a one-stop-shop for curriculum developed by The Le@rning Federation.  My initial reaction was "out of my reach"!

I can see how Scootle could assist teachers in viewing or downloading of resouces to save as favourites to share colleagues and students, but as a Teachers' Aide, some guidance and education would be in order for me to use this site.

Second Life......who needs a second one, my first one keeps me busy enough.  Thought this a little weird....need time to get my head around this one, but I can understand how students might use this for research, experimenting with and experiencing certain situations, even in times gone by.  I would not think it appropriate or necessary for use by primary age students. facebook!  Have been a user for a while now and find it a great way to keep up to date with friends and share my busy life with those whom I know are interested because they are my friends.  As the Mum mentioned on the Teachers TV video, monitoring is a must for teenagers and as for children using it....definitely don't support this.  They should be 13 yrs, I think maybe even 15yrs would be better.This is a great medium for socialising in addition to the usual ways humans socialise ie sport, work, via telephone, email. 

Twitter.....have never used this and don't think its for me!  If I wanted you to know I was having coffee, I ask you to join me, via a phone call, prearranged on facebook or even email.  I guess I am happy with facebook.  Don't have a need to tweet, but thanks anyway!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Module Eight

RSS Feeds ????? To me, this is the World Wide Web sharing with me.  I can use RSS Feeds for updates on Travel, News, Recipes, Event Ticket Sales and on and on and on.....for education?

Students can keep up to date on current affairs but what else? I don't know.  Open to suggestions on this one!

Module Seven

YUMMY!! I now have a Delicious account and I can't wait to sink my teeth into it!!!

Seriously, I have never known what 'Delicious' was, neither does anyone in my house and they all claim to be more computer/techno savvy than I, but I can see how this account is going to allow me to organise the information I want, at my finger tips BUT REMBEMBER to hit the PRIVACY button.  I'm not keen on the world knowing my info.
I knew this application was available to me at school, but didn't know what to do with it....but now I feel confident enough to use it. 
 DELICIOUS.....It will be a time saver!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Module Six

OMGoodness! I LOVE Glogster! This is amazing - when I was at school we had to buy a sheet of cardboard to do this!

I currently brainstorm with students, in their books, so can definitely see a use for  This is how I used it !

Module Five

Personally, I have been using Itunes and Podcasts for a number of years, but as a Teachers' Aide, I have not used these mediums for educational purposes.  Although I have not personally created anything for uploading to You Tube or Teacher Tube I can see how beneficial it would be for students to create videos to share and in turn teach their peers or share their knowledge.  I have children of my own that have used similar sites to create and share their opinions and knowledge eg I also have had cause to search You Tube for directions/instructions eg craft, cooking  


Monday, October 25, 2010

Module Four

This module has taken a little while to complete....I found Flickr not as user friendly as the previous web sites we were introduced to but I do think it is a great place to store and share photos.  In saying that, the copyright issue was confusing - I'm not very keen on having the public able to copy my photos, especially those of my children, hence choosing the settings for friends and family viewing only.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Module Three

What a versatile, user-friendly medium for sharing.  Instead of sharing my home with my childrens peers, dropping in to collaborate on group assignments, Google Docs allows them to collaborate in cyberspace.  I can see so many uses for this and as a School Support Officier, creating Word Walls with blank spaces could encourage children to memorize sight words and insert.
 Personally, I created a table listing equipment needed for an annual camping trip attended by mine and 5 other families. We share the supply and transport of equipment and through Google Docs we can all have input into what is needed, required and who can supply!

This is amazing!

Module Two

WOW! I'm blogging - You're a Blog-Star my 11yr old proudly stated.  And she is very proud of her mum, as I am of myself.  I can see that this platform allows students to share thoughts and ideas, instructions and comments that they may not normally feel comfortable about sharing.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Module One

I am a School Support Officer at Christ the King Primary School. 

Having the opportunity to learn as much as my own children already know about the Web, empowers me and I am feeling very positive about the next 9 Modules.  I thoroughly enjoyed learing about igoogle, creating and personalising my little bit of cyberspace.