Thursday, September 2, 2010

Module Three

What a versatile, user-friendly medium for sharing.  Instead of sharing my home with my childrens peers, dropping in to collaborate on group assignments, Google Docs allows them to collaborate in cyberspace.  I can see so many uses for this and as a School Support Officier, creating Word Walls with blank spaces could encourage children to memorize sight words and insert.
 Personally, I created a table listing equipment needed for an annual camping trip attended by mine and 5 other families. We share the supply and transport of equipment and through Google Docs we can all have input into what is needed, required and who can supply!

This is amazing!

Module Two

WOW! I'm blogging - You're a Blog-Star my 11yr old proudly stated.  And she is very proud of her mum, as I am of myself.  I can see that this platform allows students to share thoughts and ideas, instructions and comments that they may not normally feel comfortable about sharing.